Original post 8/31/2015. Whew…what a month! On the 1st and 2nd of August, I helped to deliver a women’s retreat at my parish and then over the following couple of weeks, I finished up the CRHP formation process.
On August 4th, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. I am annoyed at myself that we didn’t take any pictures! Silly me. But here’s a couple shots of our day on August 4, 1990 (it was a beautiful day). Randy had these pictures blown up and put into incredible silver frames:
And later we on our anniversary we finally watched a (25 year old) video of our wedding that we had never seen. We didn’t own the AV equipment to play the original so recently Randy had taken the original video to Put it on Video and they copied it onto a DVD! What we watched was funny and pretty incredible….and seems like it was just yesterday because I remember it all in detail. Nick was calling out dadda dadda when Randy was saying his vows!

I found five of these nice Silver Anniversary glasses >>> back in 2005, when Randy and I were cleaning out his parent’s house in Creston (after his dad died), preparing it for sale. I saved the glasses because I knew 10 more years of marriage wouldn’t take long and we’d use them!
After eating at DJango on our anniversary (I had a delicious mushroom thingy and a cherry salad, and can’t remember what Randy had to eat), we went to Zombie Burger (Arin our daughter was hosting) for a specially ordered “chocolate” wedding shake (YUMMMMMYY), while Randy had a root beer float!
The wedding shakes are really yummmmmy…but I don’t like the plastic straws (update as of 9/1/2019 Zombie Burger uses compostable straws! Thank you!)
On the 8th & 9th days of August Randy, my great first and only husband participated in a men’s retreat at our parish (and subsequently started his 6+ month long formation process). The 13th – 17th Taylor our niece was here visiting from where she lives in DC (she carved time out to visit the state fair and Adventureland)! On August 19th, Jacob celebrated his 21st birthday (cheese pizza with added pineapples and homemade chocolate cake with strawberries on top). And then on August 22, Randy and I went on a marriage retreat! Through August, I got some pretty good bike riding in (RIP Wade Franck) and baseball watching!
Tomorrow is the beginning of my favorite month of the year!
And now, a new goal is to revise this website (Update, started revision right after this post!) as a small business advisor said it was “all over the board…like an artist’s work.” She’s right, and that is why I sought help to accomplish this. I also am revising my business plan to embrace the demand for vocational expertise in family law matters.
I look forward to sharing more resources with you, my attorney reader, and help to facilitate your understanding of what I can do to help you help your clients. Stay tuned!
The moral of this little story of snippets of August 2015 is that although I have always felt time flies too fast, it really doesn’t. We all have time, that’s all we really have for sure. Time, simply is duration. And whenever there’s change of any kind, time has simply passed. As we go through life, we age. And we gain wisdom.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. We live. We love. We forgive. And yes, we forget! God has no time and no space, let’s revel in that! Please remember me when you need help on a case involving work and disability. Thank you for reading!
My professional rehabilitation counseling practice is focused on helping people participate in the world around them, particularly in their own world of work.