Ever had a real lemon of a car? Ever had horrible customer service regarding it? Let me tell you, recently (original blog date May 18, 2015) two guys representing Teen Challenge and their vehicle donation program hauled away my daughter Arin’s first car….a used green VW Jetta.

Ooohh, that car >:(
Arin had saved her money from working for a long time at her first job at Okoboji Grill as a host and at age 16 bought it with cash. Pretty impressive that girl is, huh! She, with her dad, “found” the car at Farley’s on the East side which we DO NOT recommend….see below for a nasty review.
Yet for the time she drove her first car (what was yours? mine was a blue Maverick), AJ loved her car and driving! Many an adventure until…..the day the Jetta crapped out; she was returning from a day trip to Lake Red Rock. I had to search for her and her friend stranded on the side of a gravel road (imagine what was going through my motherly head)!
Luckily I came across a group of firefighters close to a town who were gathering ‘fill the boot’ donations and upon my plea for help, one kind firefighter took charge. (Note: I love and appreciate firefighters ~ recently, Des Moines’ Fire Chief sent my husband Randy a card congratulating him on his educator award…very cool!)
I followed the firefighter’s pick up truck, and he found the young stranded motorists…. then the tow truck and the COSTS that ensued. We got the car fixed temporarily in Pleasantville; then more fixing in Des Moines. Arin drove it for another year, and the cost to “fix it” (read: new engine) cost just as much as she originally paid for it (like $6k).
Do the math and gag with me.
Here’s what Randy wrote about it (the auto purchase) nine months ago (~9/14) in a Google business review of Farley’s Wholesale Tires & Autos ~
“Would never do business with this company again. Bought a used 1999 VW Jetta only to find out that someone had put Radiator Stop Leak in the car. It did the job on the radiator but it also caused the thermostat housing and all the other hoses to be so clogged causing the car to overheat and this killed the engine after 1,500 miles.
When I went to Pat Farley to see what he was willing to do he told me that it was a used car and that he would not and was not willing to do anything. I had to put a new engine in the car, replace numerous hoses and coolant joints and flush the engine 5 times to clean it out and get it back on the road. Have had numerous problems with the car.
Please beware of this individual and his company they are crooks who do not care about their customers, they are just trying to make a buck.” ~ Randy Botkin
Lemon, as in a bad car, or something affected by an unfixable original manufacturing defect.
Anyway, a few weeks ago Arin purchased a new car from name of dealership, a Black Ford Fusion, and being used, hopefully it will not be a lemon like the Jetta. Thank you Teen Challenge for accepting our donation and for helping the youth you serve.

BTW, do you have a Jetta 1990-2005 that needs new lights? (Update: sold em on Craig’s List!)
Randy had replaced these headlights (new headlights really make a difference in visibility!), and removed them before the car was towed away. For sale on Craig’s list too!
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Plus, I’ll treat you like a peach!
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My professional rehabilitation counseling practice is focused on helping people find a place in the workforce