Reading Time: 4 minutesHi there my attorney reader! Thank you for stopping by to read my blog post. It’s full of questions and curiosity. No need to think differently whether you are “at work” or “off the clock”. What day and time is it? No more calling my favorite phone number 515-244-5611 as it’s disconnected following years of service.… Continue reading Why Do You Do Your Work? You May Be in Love!
Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!
Reading Time: 2 minutesI provide forensic vocational rehabilitation consulting services and work with attorneys with passion; those who truly care about their clients. Trust me, I care about my customers and you will find that I too am passionate about my work. I will help you as much as I can so you can help your client. You’ll… Continue reading Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!
It’s Hard to Work When Your Mind is Elsewhere, Isn’t It?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy mom recently died & I’ve been in low key work mode. But I need to look at this from the viewpoint that my mom is still working! She donated her body to science, her plan for decades. I’m sure the medical students are appreciative. Thank you mom for helping others learn. I love you! … Continue reading It’s Hard to Work When Your Mind is Elsewhere, Isn’t It?
Alaska and Her Rehabilitation Plan…Patience Beyond that of a “Normal” Cat Owner!
Reading Time: 5 minutesOkay, another cat blog! Yes, I’m a cat lover and I love all pets and I care for all living creatures! I’m not a cat fanatic, it’s just that felines have been an important part of my life since my teens, and I love to pay attention to cat behavior! I love to write too.… Continue reading Alaska and Her Rehabilitation Plan…Patience Beyond that of a “Normal” Cat Owner!
Want to Know What Rehabilitation Counselors Do?! No Not Really?! Too Bad, Read This
Reading Time: 4 minutesDuring exercise class (edited post originally written December 14, 2020), I was chatting with a fellow work-out champ at our fitness club. She is currently attending Drake University in the pharmacy program. After inquiring about her background (from Chicago area), her training (all online at this time due to the pandemic), and her program requirements… Continue reading Want to Know What Rehabilitation Counselors Do?! No Not Really?! Too Bad, Read This
Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!
Reading Time: 8 minutesUpon referral of a vocational case, I review a variety of medical data, for example, treating physician reports, functional capacity evaluations, independent medical evaluations and if available psychological data like psychometric testing, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric evaluations found within the file. During a litigated claim that involves work and disability, it’s important for me to… Continue reading Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!
Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!
Reading Time: 4 minutesHappy Turkey-less Day to those who won’t be gobbling a gobbler this Thanksgiving! I personally won’t because I continue as a pescatarian (not sure how many years and not sure my reason but it’s stuck for a long time). I do love the smell and taste of turkey; and I of course who can’t love… Continue reading Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!
Cross Examination is Like Playing Ms. Pac-Man & I Like it!
Reading Time: 4 minutesI know that a good attorney who excels at cross examining an expert witness is thoroughly knowledgeable of their case. Volumes of data and detailed information needs to be absorbed and analyzed before going to court! You my attorney reader, use intuition and instinct to discover weak points in the witness’ presentation, and in a… Continue reading Cross Examination is Like Playing Ms. Pac-Man & I Like it!
A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help
Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing through with my last post on honesty, here’s the success story I mentioned: During the placement process, I assess my client on his or her take of honesty at work using interview techniques, a self-report scale, and ensuing discussion. I’ve heard great stories. I remember one client, a veteran I helped decades ago when… Continue reading A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help
Thanks for Thinking of Me! Why Wait to Place Me Into Action? Need A Vocational Expert on Your Case?
Reading Time: 3 minutesI enjoy consulting with attorneys. It involves learning about your questions; then using my expertise to provide an answer or two! The fact is consulting work involves extraordinary amounts of mental processing. Let me tell you, my brain gets a lot of action and yes, I work out physically, too! I don’t know about your… Continue reading Thanks for Thinking of Me! Why Wait to Place Me Into Action? Need A Vocational Expert on Your Case?