When, Where & Why You Need a Life Care Planner for Your Litigated Case & Who Can Help? Me!

Reading Time: 3 minutes When Do You Need a Life Care Planner? Typically a life care planner is helpful for legal cases involving catastrophic injuries or chronic health conditions. Lawyers, physicians, and insurance companies can hire a life care planner to research, analyze and develop life care plans for patients who experience catastrophic injuries or chronic health conditions related… Continue reading When, Where & Why You Need a Life Care Planner for Your Litigated Case & Who Can Help? Me!

Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Free is always my favorite Word of the Day! What about you? Does free rank right up there for you? If you’re not aware, Zombie Burger makes excellent milk shakes, and what’s really special is on your birthday, your shake is free!  The chocolate wedding cake shake is my favorite although it’s really “only a… Continue reading Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Over the years, I’ve received many a rose and enjoy taking close ups of favorites. My original idea was to find exactly the correct number of single rose photos to celebrate the beginning of another year in business, which officially is September 15 of each year (my bd!).   It became quite a project to… Continue reading Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!

It Happens, Things Go Wrong. Need Help with a MedMal Case?

Reading Time: 6 minutes [Original post date: March 29, 2018] Time for a health update blog, a personal one, difficult to write with a mix of questions and a couple stories about medical practice and procedures. The point is My Attorney Reader, I want you to think about Me as a forensic rehabilitation consultant, and how I can help… Continue reading It Happens, Things Go Wrong. Need Help with a MedMal Case?

Rights of the Expert Witness ~ I’ll Take a Veggie Slice, Please

Reading Time: 3 minutes Rights of the Expert Witness I continually assess and evaluate (there I go again!) my rights, values, professionalism, and of course ethics (which I really enjoy!?!) and am hopeful to write more on these topics and my career in the field of forensic rehabilitation consulting. As far as rights, I found this great listing online (website… Continue reading Rights of the Expert Witness ~ I’ll Take a Veggie Slice, Please

I Sued the Railroad Over 40 Years Ago. Think I Won?

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’ve written about my 1979 car/train collision, which is part of my memory bank that becomes revisited from time to time  especially when June 15th of each year rolls around! Here’s a bit more about the story:  While hospitalized following surgery on my head and on my right arm, I was administered an IV bag… Continue reading I Sued the Railroad Over 40 Years Ago. Think I Won?

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The first part of this blog is about an experience many of us endured in our early-to-mid 20s: have your wisdom teeth removed! If you’ve been through this type of medical procedure, it is something you do not forget. I remember sitting in “the chair” having mine pulled out way back when I was young!… Continue reading How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

Like Mother, Like Daughter, One Tough Cookie! Want One in the Courtroom?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Today, May 28th is my daughter’s goldenth birthday! I admire her character and am proud of her roles and goals in every way! She’s a hard worker, is into gardening, is a proud pet owner, and recently bought a house! My daughter is physically and emotionally strong, independent, and One Tough Cookie!  Off the top… Continue reading Like Mother, Like Daughter, One Tough Cookie! Want One in the Courtroom?

Here’s a Dum-Dum Post! Want an Expert too?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In February 2020, at the beginning of the awareness of Covid-19, I attended a large conference with well over 200 people in attendance. During lunch, I sat at a table next to an intelligent man and we had a conversation about our jobs and serving as an expert “in the field”. His field is neuropsychology… Continue reading Here’s a Dum-Dum Post! Want an Expert too?

Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s not much growing in our back yard but crocus which tells me it’s about time to spring forward with excitement for what else will arise out of the soil!  In fact, time is the essence of all life and an honored resource I wholly appreciate. I believe patience, persistence and perseverance are incredible qualities… Continue reading Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!