How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The first part of this blog is about an experience many of us endured in our early-to-mid 20s: have your wisdom teeth removed! If you’ve been through this type of medical procedure, it is something you do not forget. I remember sitting in “the chair” having mine pulled out way back when I was young!… Continue reading How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!

Reading Time: 2 minutes I provide forensic vocational rehabilitation consulting services and work with attorneys with passion; those who truly care about their clients. Trust me, I care about my customers and you will find that I too am passionate about my work. I will help you as much as I can so you can help your client. You’ll… Continue reading Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!

Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Free is always my favorite Word of the Day! What about you? Does free rank right up there for you? If you’re not aware, Zombie Burger makes excellent milk shakes, and what’s really special is on your birthday, your shake is free!  The chocolate wedding cake shake is my favorite although it’s really “only a… Continue reading Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!