Reading Time: 4 minutesHi there my attorney reader! Thank you for stopping by to read my blog post. It’s full of questions and curiosity. No need to think differently whether you are “at work” or “off the clock”. What day and time is it? No more calling my favorite phone number 515-244-5611 as it’s disconnected following years of service.… Continue reading Why Do You Do Your Work? You May Be in Love!
Tag: Job Placement
Want to Know What Rehabilitation Counselors Do?! No Not Really?! Too Bad, Read This
Reading Time: 4 minutesDuring exercise class (edited post originally written December 14, 2020), I was chatting with a fellow work-out champ at our fitness club. She is currently attending Drake University in the pharmacy program. After inquiring about her background (from Chicago area), her training (all online at this time due to the pandemic), and her program requirements… Continue reading Want to Know What Rehabilitation Counselors Do?! No Not Really?! Too Bad, Read This
Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!
Reading Time: 4 minutesHappy Turkey-less Day to those who won’t be gobbling a gobbler this Thanksgiving! I personally won’t because I continue as a pescatarian (not sure how many years and not sure my reason but it’s stuck for a long time). I do love the smell and taste of turkey; and I of course who can’t love… Continue reading Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!
A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help
Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing through with my last post on honesty, here’s the success story I mentioned: During the placement process, I assess my client on his or her take of honesty at work using interview techniques, a self-report scale, and ensuing discussion. I’ve heard great stories. I remember one client, a veteran I helped decades ago when… Continue reading A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help
What Did Your Grandfather’s Father Do for a Living? Need Evidence on An Occupation?
Reading Time: 5 minutesMy mother Ann Dodge Prochnow, researched a book titled “Genealogy of the Dodge Family of Essex County, Massachusetts 1629-1894” authored by John Thompson Dodge Ph.D. Dr. Dodge was born in 1850 in Vermont. Dr. Dodge was a railway civil engineer. And he’s directly related to my mom! My mom read the book (Ann’s brother Gerry… Continue reading What Did Your Grandfather’s Father Do for a Living? Need Evidence on An Occupation?
Client or Customer? Both are Equally Valuable!
Reading Time: 3 minutesI consider the individual as the client, and the business entity (for example; an employer, a service provider, or a law firm) as the customer. In the case of providing job placement services, the client typically is a person who has already worked for a number of years in the workforce and is now on… Continue reading Client or Customer? Both are Equally Valuable!
Get Level During the Divorce Process With an Earning Capacity Evaluation!
Reading Time: 4 minutesAs an Attorney, do you work with divorcing couples? If yes, have you utilized vocational expertise to help level out the uncharted territory for your client? Do you want more questions or do you want answers to your client’s needs? Read on please! My company, Vocational Resources Plus LLC, offers vocational consulting services, and specifically,… Continue reading Get Level During the Divorce Process With an Earning Capacity Evaluation!
Lifting at Work and the Power of an Ant! Need a Job Analysis?
Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the past I’ve blogged about when my father managed a Culligan Soft Water branch. I remember watching the workers (like Gary and Big John!) move the 150# water softener tanks from the regeneration area onto the big trucks for the next step which is to drive to their customers’ locations. Growing up, we (my… Continue reading Lifting at Work and the Power of an Ant! Need a Job Analysis?
Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!
Reading Time: 5 minutesDid you take the Why Do You Do Your Work assessment? Read on and at the bottom of my blog post, you’ll find a key with detail on your results!Motivation describes why a person does something. According to current psychology, motivation involves biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that initiate, guide, and maintain goal-oriented behaviors requiring endurance… Continue reading Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!
Randy and Abe’s Work Ethic…Pretty Impressive! Plus a Kiss!
Reading Time: 4 minutesRandy has taught the wonderfully well-behaved youth in our community (hee hee) since 1992 as an instructor for the Des Moines Public School District. He teaches at Scavo High School (which as of this writing on 2/17/2020 will soon be dismantled) and Randy will be moving on to a new program(for sure) at a new… Continue reading Randy and Abe’s Work Ethic…Pretty Impressive! Plus a Kiss!