A Whirlwind…A Heart in the Sand & Back to Ordinary Life!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whew, what a whirlwind of activity over the past couple of months (original post early summer 2012):  Jake graduated high school (and he accompanied me on a business trip to Wisconsin to celebrate).  Arin turned 16 (and bought a green Jetta shortly thereafter). The newest edition to our family – Alaska, a white kitten – got fixed. Nick celebrated Pride 2012 (his dance performance on the main stage was impressive!) Randy finished out another school year, had a month’s worth of conferences (and claims he never nodded off!) and is now into riding his bike all over town. My business is doing well and I’m continuing with step aerobics and boot camp. So, definitely, having some sort of order in my life is helpful after a whirlwind of activity! 

Life Goes Really Fast

 As a blogger (first post was on 11-21-11), a mother (of three, oldest 23, middle 17 and youngest 16), a wife (in August we’ll be married 22 years), a pet owner (3 cats, 1 dog, 1 rabbit, 1 guinea pig and 1 fish and 1 hedgehog), some of these critters belong to the kids….and a self-employed person (since 9-99), each week goes by quickly.  This is my “ordinary life”. Often I want to do nothing.  Like hang out at Saylorville, stare at the lake, float on my back in the water, play in the sand or laugh at our dog Bella as she frolics through the waves. 

A Heart in the Sand

I’ve been getting quite a few readers! Thank you.  I do enjoy writing. So moving forward with blogging, I’m planning to continue on with my earlier blogs about my days at Iowa State (so I can move through my days at Drake University – aka clean office, go through paperwork, recycle….) and get to the present, all with sprinkling in some fun and excitement and educate my readers on who I am and what I do!

Hope you’re enjoying your summer…and especially your world of work.


My professional rehabilitation counseling practice is focused on helping people participate in the world around them, particularly in their own world of work.


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