Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!

Reading Time: 2 minutes I provide forensic vocational rehabilitation consulting services and work with attorneys with passion; those who truly care about their clients. Trust me, I care about my customers and you will find that I too am passionate about my work. I will help you as much as I can so you can help your client. You’ll… Continue reading Central Value of Consulting with Me, What An Attorney Will Find!

Alaska and Her Rehabilitation Plan…Patience Beyond that of a “Normal” Cat Owner!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Okay, another cat blog! Yes, I’m a cat lover and I love all pets and I care for all living creatures! I’m not a cat fanatic, it’s just that felines have been an important part of my life since my teens, and I love to pay attention to cat behavior! I love to write too.… Continue reading Alaska and Her Rehabilitation Plan…Patience Beyond that of a “Normal” Cat Owner!

Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!

Reading Time: 8 minutes Upon referral of a vocational case, I review a variety of  medical data, for example, treating physician reports, functional capacity evaluations, independent medical evaluations and if available psychological data like psychometric testing, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric evaluations found within the file. During a litigated claim that involves work and disability, it’s important for me to… Continue reading Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!

It Happens, Things Go Wrong. Need Help with a MedMal Case?

Reading Time: 6 minutes [Original post date: March 29, 2018] Time for a health update blog, a personal one, difficult to write with a mix of questions and a couple stories about medical practice and procedures. The point is My Attorney Reader, I want you to think about Me as a forensic rehabilitation consultant, and how I can help… Continue reading It Happens, Things Go Wrong. Need Help with a MedMal Case?

Randy and His Perpetual Flip Off! Need an Expert on Your Case Involving Work & Disability?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Edited from an original post~~~>! The evening before my dad’s funeral in May 2016, my husband Randy walked our dog Bella (who gracefully crossed her rainbow bridge 9/1/21) while holding his cell phone in one hand to talk to my mother about his part in the service, the other hand held the leash. Bella’s a… Continue reading Randy and His Perpetual Flip Off! Need an Expert on Your Case Involving Work & Disability?

Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a forensic rehabilitation consultant, I could be available as your next retained expert!   My unique consulting services help attorneys identify insights into a litigated case while first-hand testimony helps others to understand it.  In fact, listing me as an expert may spark movement in the litigation process. I’m here to help you help… Continue reading Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!

Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Free is always my favorite Word of the Day! What about you? Does free rank right up there for you? If you’re not aware, Zombie Burger makes excellent milk shakes, and what’s really special is on your birthday, your shake is free!  The chocolate wedding cake shake is my favorite although it’s really “only a… Continue reading Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

The Proof is in the Pudding ~ Try Avocado Chocolate & A Life Care Plan for Your Client!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Consider how a Life Care Plan can help your litigated case, especially when the proof is in the pudding.  The ‘proof’ here is a verb meaning ‘test’ and a noun meaning ‘the evidence that demonstrates a truth’ as in a mathematical or legal proof.  To know if a plan has succeeded, consider the true value or quality of it, as seen when it is experienced, tried, or put to use.… Continue reading The Proof is in the Pudding ~ Try Avocado Chocolate & A Life Care Plan for Your Client!

Here to Help The Passionate Attorney Help Your Client ~ Life Care Planning Services

Reading Time: 4 minutes Along with vocational consulting services, I offer you life care planning services. Life Care Planning Services are valuable to passionate attorneys such as yourself: One who works to your fullest potential for your clients; One who truly cares about your client; and One who strives to maximize the best outcome for your client. A Life Care Plan will help… Continue reading Here to Help The Passionate Attorney Help Your Client ~ Life Care Planning Services

Life Care Planning Helps Attorneys in Ways & in All Phases of Litigation! Really!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you considered a Life Care Plan as part of your litigation strategy to help your client? Life Care Planning helps attorneys in many ways and in all phases of litigation. The actual plan itself becomes a comprehensive document that provides for the future care and associated costs of a person facing a serious illness or… Continue reading Life Care Planning Helps Attorneys in Ways & in All Phases of Litigation! Really!