Here’s a Dum-Dum Post! Want an Expert too?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In February 2020, at the beginning of the awareness of Covid-19, I attended a large conference with well over 200 people in attendance. During lunch, I sat at a table next to an intelligent man and we had a conversation about our jobs and serving as an expert “in the field”. His field is neuropsychology… Continue reading Here’s a Dum-Dum Post! Want an Expert too?

Did You Know Rabbits are Perfectly Capable of Believing Everything at Once?

Reading Time: 4 minutes I was quite fond of my office rabbit Mollie. She lived a long life and loved to lounge around, eat, drink and poop, and spent her other time binkying (read on!) Mollie died in her home on 8/8/2022. When I found her she was still warm and I was very saddened. Looks like she’s the… Continue reading Did You Know Rabbits are Perfectly Capable of Believing Everything at Once?

Need A Good Report? Rebut No Matter What!

Reading Time: 5 minutes I was taught that vocational report writing is a very powerful form of communication and can influence the degree of success for the individual for whom it was written.  I love to communicate through the written word and have written many, many, reports! Blog posts too! So this blog is to be sure you, my Attorney… Continue reading Need A Good Report? Rebut No Matter What!

Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s not much growing in our back yard but crocus which tells me it’s about time to spring forward with excitement for what else will arise out of the soil!  In fact, time is the essence of all life and an honored resource I wholly appreciate. I believe patience, persistence and perseverance are incredible qualities… Continue reading Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!

Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

Reading Time: 4 minutes My work is helpful during litigation following an injury or condition that leads to disability.  In any type of litigation, if the disability or limitation is significant, more than likely there will be questions about work and future earnings. In fact, a multitude of questions will arise as the case develops. As a well-trained and… Continue reading Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

Assessment, Assessment, Assessment and More Assessment! Need Your Client Assessed?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Initially published by me on 2012/07/30 at 6:00 am! ~ Please read on! In the fall of 1994, I performed a self-assessment and wrote a paper titled “Self-Assessment of Competencies for Entry Level Health Educators” for the School Health course I took while attending Iowa State University. Self Assessment I remember typing my paper on… Continue reading Assessment, Assessment, Assessment and More Assessment! Need Your Client Assessed?

Hello My Attorney Reader! Want to Buy Some TIME from Me … a Consultant and an Educator?

Reading Time: 3 minutes You’re a good attorney, and you care about the people you represent. You’re busy working on cases and spend a lot of time on time. In fact, you even buy TIME! I’m writing to help you make a more comfortable TIME purchase from me, a consultant who is also an educator! I fully realize attorneys… Continue reading Hello My Attorney Reader! Want to Buy Some TIME from Me … a Consultant and an Educator?

A Bouquet of Gerbera to Share, Along with My Vocational Assessment Services

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’d like to share a beautiful bouquet of gerbera daisy with you, my Attorney Reader! With these flowers, I remind myself of how valuable you are to me as my client and how I am specially equipped to serve you as your consultant. Thank you for taking some of your valuable time to look around… Continue reading A Bouquet of Gerbera to Share, Along with My Vocational Assessment Services

Get Level During the Divorce Process With an Earning Capacity Evaluation!

Reading Time: 4 minutes As an Attorney, do you work with divorcing couples? If yes, have you utilized vocational expertise to help level out the uncharted territory for your client? Do you want more questions or do you want answers to your client’s needs? Read on please! My company, Vocational Resources Plus LLC, offers vocational consulting services, and specifically,… Continue reading Get Level During the Divorce Process With an Earning Capacity Evaluation!

Vocational Resources Plus LLC Disclaimer, My Very Own Personalized Version!

Reading Time: 3 minutes My Very Own Disclaimer! The website I own and maintain is a personal blog with stories and views all written and edited by me; and it is always in transition! Just like me, too! Note: the URL address stands for L~life C~care P~planning Resources Plus. Someday I should obtain a domain that is easier on… Continue reading Vocational Resources Plus LLC Disclaimer, My Very Own Personalized Version!